You are currently browsing the category archive for the ‘Cesarean’ category.

Why does having a vaginal birth, or a VBAC matter to women?  Why cesareans are a big deal to you, your wife, and your daughter « VBAC Facts.


Or even better, choose homebirth!!  Advice to pregnant women: choose your hospital carefully.

Here are the current rates for the San Jose area:

Kaiser San Jose: 24.2%

San Jose Regional: 25.3%

El Camino Los Gatos: 26.2

Santa Clara Valley Med: 27.3%

St. Louise: 27.4%

Kaiser Santa Clara: 28.1%

Lucille Packard: 29.1%

O’Connor: 29.3%

El Camino Mt View: 30.5%

Good Samaritan: 41.8%




How can doula support lower the Cesarean rate?  Read this new study entitled Doula Care, Birth Outcomes, and Costs Among Medicaid Beneficiaries”


The birth matters!  Delivery Method Affects Brain Response to Baby’s Cry –


Are you thinking about VBAC?  Here is some great advice:  Tips from a VBAC mom | A Warrior Mom.


Quick Facts « VBAC Facts.


The world agrees: breech births not the risk they once were.


This is a great post by an OB in Frisco, TX.

Lowering the cesarean rates and raising the VBAC rates – great info from the Amish community.

Does your care provider do routine pelvic exams starting at 36-37 weeks?

“There are some studies that show a link between routine weekly pelvic exams in the last month or so of pregnancy and an increase in rupture of membranes (ROM) that occur well before labor was meant begin, meaning the membranes have ruptured prematurely, (adding a P to ROM, for premature rupture).   The natural onset of labor may be a week or perhaps only days away, but everything is not quite ready, and if effective labor does not begin induction frequently follows.  And when induction fails, as often it will, since the rupture was premature, and the body and the baby are not ready, cesarean is often the outcome.”

Read the risks and benefits in this great article.


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