You are currently browsing the category archive for the ‘Hospital’ category.

Think you can’t afford a homebirth?  You’d be surprised at how much a hospital birth can actually cost!

Tallying Cost to Bring Baby Home.

Routine IV use isn’t evidence based.  Learn the risks via Intravenous IV Therapy During Labor and Birth – The Birthing Site.

This has tons of good information and stats about Group B Strep.  The war on group B strep.


Or even better, choose homebirth!!  Advice to pregnant women: choose your hospital carefully.

Here are the current rates for the San Jose area:

Kaiser San Jose: 24.2%

San Jose Regional: 25.3%

El Camino Los Gatos: 26.2

Santa Clara Valley Med: 27.3%

St. Louise: 27.4%

Kaiser Santa Clara: 28.1%

Lucille Packard: 29.1%

O’Connor: 29.3%

El Camino Mt View: 30.5%

Good Samaritan: 41.8%




Are you thinking about VBAC?  Here is some great advice:  Tips from a VBAC mom | A Warrior Mom.


Benefits of Vernix – it’s amazing stuff and here’s the scientific research to prove it « Birth Bliss.


Benefits of all that vernix – it’s there for a reason!

via Wait! Don’t Wash That Newborn!.

Jana Studelska, LM, CPM on the subject of pushing – The Push is Powerful Stuff – Mothering Community.


Gloria Lemay talks about Inductions for Low Amniotic Fluid.


Washington state has seen dramatic progress in a statewide effort to convince doctors, hospitals and pregnant women that scheduling deliveries even a few weeks early can heighten risks for newborns.

via Don’t rush that baby!.


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